Racquet sports
Registration is fast and easy. On your first visit to the Complexe sportif Longueuil, you pay a membership fee, we register your contact details, and give you your access card.
Your card gives you access to all of our facilities at all times, depending on the activities you choose, at your own pace and for your enjoyment. Simply reserve one of our courts, and start playing!
Courts can be booked by telephone, a maximum of five days ahead, on weekdays from 7 a.m. to midnight, on Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., and on Sundays from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. We also offer other reservation options to make life easier for you.
Customers who have an access card may invite a guest at any time.
Guest fees are $10. The fee for two guests who wish to use our facilities but are not accompanied by a customer with an access card is still $10 per guest, but courts cannot be booked in advance.
Racquet sports
450 679-6131, option 1
Permanent court rental
For details, call customer service 450 679-6131 option 1
Skating rink
For more information on booking our skating rink, please contact Sophie Hénault
at 450-679-6131, extension 228, or the Reception Desk, extension 210.