The ice surface at the Complexe sportif Longueuil’s skating rink is first-rate, boasting a state-of-the-art refrigeration system that is both highly efficient and environmentally friendly.
The change rooms are spacious and comfortable. Drinks are also available in the change rooms after games.
To reserve the rink, contact Sophie Hénault at 450-679-6131, extension 228, or the Reception Desk at option 1.
Hockey Pro Shop Boutique
Our Pro Shop boutique is staffed by avid hockey fans who can carefully and professionally sharpen your skates, make emergency equipment repairs, and rent you anything else you might need. We offer professional and helpful service.
Whether you choose the bar or the dining room, our restaurant is the ideal place to relax before and after your games, to organize a happy hour with friends, or to watch your favourite sports events on the Complexe sportif Longueuil’s high-definition flat-screen displays.